Mufi - Keltis - 2022
Producer, Keltis
Grapes, Muskateller and Sauvignon Blanc
Color, White
Style, Sparkling
Country, Slovenia
Region, Lower Syria
Tasting notes :
Producer: Keltis
Grape: Rumeni Plavec, Gelbe Muscat
Color: White
Sparkling: Pet Nat
Vintage: 2022
Country: Slovenia
Region: Lower Styra
Subregion: Bizeljsko
Alcohol: 12%
Aging in wood: NO
Soil: Marl, Slate, Clay, Sandstone
Added S02: No
Funkyness: Mild
Tasting Notes: The wine is a mix of incredible freshness of citrus and pears on one side and nutmeg aromas on the other. Pleasantly expressed and pleasant acids. The bubbles are delicate. A completely dry wine, slightly sparkling, which, because of the production technique, has some sediments (yeast residues) at the bottom of the bottle, which can also be gently stirred before opening the bottle. A careful and slow opening of the crown cap is recommended. Completely without added SO2.